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Making Disinfecting Simple.

Our Commitment to Public Health & Safety in Windsor-Essex

At Frontline Disinfecting, everything we do is based around keeping our customers and those close to them safer. With our professional, state-of-the-art electrostatic disinfecting process, we are here to make homes, businesses and institutions around Windsor and Essex County safer against the spread of COVID-19.

About Our COVID-19 Disinfecting Process

The team at Frontline Disinfecting uses professional, state-of-the-art electrostatic disinfecting to remove harmful viruses and help stop them from spreading, including COIVD-19. With our non-invasive techniques, we can quickly make your home or business safer from harmful viruses with minimal disruption to you thanks to our quick, efficient disinfecting technique.

Industrial and Commercial DIsinfecting in Windsor-Essex

The past year plus has been extraordinarily difficult for all types of businesses, and we are committed to helping keep customers, employees, and everyone who interacts with your business safer. When you choose Frontline Disinfecting, we will make sure that your business is thoroughly protected, disinfecting the spaces throughout your business where virus transmission is most likely to occur.

Our commercial disinfecting services are perfect for offices, schools, gyms, healthcare facilities, manufacturing plants, retail stores, car dealerships, and just about any other type of business. Let customers and employees feel more confident coming into your business with our electrostatic sanitizing service.

Residential Disinfecting Services

Better protecting your business, employees and customers is important, but at Frontline Disinfecting we are equally as committed to allowing you to feel protected from COVID-19 and other harmful viruses in your own home. With our residential electrostatic disinfecting fogging service, we can help remove existing viruses on surfaces throughout your home and help protect against them coming back.

We are committed to helping you have a safer and healthier living space. If your household has seniors, young children, or anyone with a compromised immune system or other major health concerns, our disinfecting and sanitizing services can give you greater protection and peace of mind. 

Contact Frontline Disinfecting to Learn More about COVID-19 Cleaning in Windsor-Essex

To find out more about electrostatic disinfecting in Windsor and Essex County, email us or call us today at (519) 945-4218. We proudly offer residential and commercial disinfecting services, and would love the opportunity to help you achieve a healthier and safer home or business.







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